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Top 10: Movies Based on Real Facts

The student....

In this film based on real facts, an 84-year-old Kenyan takes an opportunity to learn to read and enrolls in a class with 6-year-olds.

12 years of slavery....

Based on the autobiography of Solomon Northup, this historical drama tells the trajectory of a free born black man who is taken from New York and sold as a slave.

An American Crime ....

Estre drama accompanies a mother and housewife who imprisons and tortures a 16-year-old girl in the basement of her residence.

Steve Jobs ....

Steve Jobs' newest cinebiogravia shows three key moments in the life of the inventor and entrepreneur: the backstage of the launch of the Macintosh computer in 1984; Of the company NeXT, twelve years later and the iPod, in the year 2001.

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi .....

The film tells the story of a group of six private soldiers working in a CIA complex in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. On a anniversary of the September 11 attacks, they had to defend a diplomatic post that is visited by an ambassador American, and that, of course, will be a target of terrorists.

Decisive hours .....

Directed by Craig Gillespie, the film is set in 1952, when a big snowstorm takes an oil platform to crack, throwing 84 crew to the sea. While the storm hampers the group's survival, a team of coast guards tries to rescue the victims.

Blood on ice....

In this thriller based on real events, an Alaskan policeman joins a 17-year-old prostitute in the quest for a serial killer whose claws she fled.

The impossible....

Based on actual events, this gripping drama portrays the terrible experiences of a family during the chaos generated by the tsunami that struck southwest Asia in 2004.

Marley and Me....

When John feels that Jenny wants to have a child, his co-worker, Sebastian Tunney, suggests that they adopt a dog to see if they really are prepared to become parents. Two newlyweds adopt a mischievous labrador and learn many life lessons with him.

Lovelace .....

Porn star Linda Lovelace must coexist with the coercion and abuse of the pornographic industry before taking the reins of her own life.

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