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Camping Tips

Mount your tent in a flat area, away from water fountains, slopes and trees.
- Use a tarpaulin under the tent as this will prevent water from collecting in the event of rain or soil soaking the bottom of the tent.
- Do not store the tent wet or damp, thus preventing the fabric from mocking or even tearing.
- Avoid washing the tent, especially with brushes, as they can damage the layer that waterproofs the fabric. Wipe it with a damp cloth and let it dry in the shade. In case of extreme necessity, wash with a soft bristle brush.
At the time of setting up the tent always look for a flatter place and try to observe if it is not a passage of water (natural drain) of a possible heavy rain. The tip is to check that the floor is dry and firm. If you do not know where you are going camping, explore it.
If you want to mount the equipment near some river, streams and streams, avoid near the margin because eventually the river can rise.
If your equipment has problems with water intake, keep your things inside plastic bags, it will keep everything organized inside the tent and if the worst happens, your things will remain dry.
Camping under trees reduces the action of rain and sun, as well as offering a milder temperature during the hottest hours of the day, but avoid older, drier trees because with a strong wind you can move some branches and fall on top of the equipment. 
Camping in the enclosed forest is also not very indicated by the higher humidity and incidence of insects.
Common sage is a great insect repellent ... everyone knows that country life has an unwanted companion: the mosquito. Therefore, when making your fire, burn some leaves of the plant in it. The smell drives the animals away and you can stay in peace.
Moisturizing baby oils are excellent repellents ... especially if it contains "aloe vera", the insects hate that smell.
First aid kit in the first aid kit include your daily use medicines as well as dressings, remedies for headache, muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea, flu and fever. Also remember the repellent and the sunscreen!
Accessories do not forget to bring a penknife, a GPS or at least a compass, whistle, map, flags, lantern, battery and charged cell phone, and its charger.
Toiletries toothpaste, biodegradable liquid soap, toothbrushes, toilet paper, comb and towel should also be in the backpack of campers.
Barraca the ideal is to take a lighter tent, but that has good resistance to rains.
Thermal insulation The thermal insulation must be inflatable or EVA. Escape heavy mattresses as they are difficult to carry.
Water and food calculate the food for days of travel and be sure to check if the water is plentiful in the place you will be staying. If it is, bring bottles and canteens to stock. If it is not, take water with you. As for food, prioritize practical options and do not spoil easily. In this case, avoid eggs, cheese, milk, meats and other perishables.


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